Saturday, November 12, 2011
one week trip at penang
erm..want t say what le?thanx god for giving me chance to go travelling ..and many unexpected things happened here...and thanx God help me solve everything..i stay at three different places and different nice to adapt with them...i want to thanx sue ann,rachel ,lydia and her sister ivy and her bf....they are the angles that help me a lots....sue ann everyday she never complain and always bring me go to have a very enjoyable trip...on wednesday,i stay at rachel's house...her mummy is very nice...morning bring me eat dim sum...feed me till fat fat de....afternoon bring me go penang hill...and friday i go to lydia's sister house....her sister,iVY is so friendly ....lydia and ivy very worried about my coughing +asma..they bring me go seek for pharmacist...and i had consumed some money on these medicines..i wonder i never regretted to come here..bez i can feel the love from everyone....i will appreciate every moments with u mummy very worried about me and ask me whther regretted bez din bek home....mummy,i never regretted even i knowmy sickness become more and more serious...i believe god will send the angels to protect me..dun worry about me...mummy..i will be recover soon..bez too much love i feel here
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, December 23, 2010
University's life
my class PHOTO
我想惨了,这种什么鬼地方,pahanG….OMG….SHIt la….好怕,好陌生的地方。。。也开始慢慢适应。。。。还好啦,那里还有好多地方玩。。。我是拿化学工程系的,我真的好害怕读不来,因为我知道我从小就比别人比较迟钝,学习能力比较差,但我不放弃,为了家人而努力。。。我其实好怕这一科因为我害怕上LAB….我的手开始会抖一进实验室。。我也不知道为什么。。。所以每次做实验时都好粗心,笨手笨脚的。。令到好多我的组员好讨厌咯。。。我真的好怕。。但现在第三年了也开始习惯了,不怕了。。。
我到了大学一年比一年瘦了,但不能像有些人两个月就减掉20 公斤咯。。。我倒现在也不懂为什么,可能有时不够坚强吧。。。我以前好害羞呢,不敢跟男孩子讲话,因为进了大学认识那些多话的朋友,变比较会讲,现在还会跟他们斗嘴,吵架叻。。hehe….我变到像男人婆,所以每次跟我学弟说:“我不要那么快死叻,因为我还没嫁的出去!!”笑死他们了。。。。
我西马朋友很会问为什么你们东马人很喜欢分东马西马叻?我也不懂因为其实从小就这样分。。。还有他们也很喜欢学福洲话。。。呵呵 。。AH BU CHE=KERETA MOTOSIKAL..HAHAHHAHAHAH..他们超喜欢吃辣的,我呢一边吃,一边檫眼泪。。我真没用叻。。。我这辈子连海鲜都不能吃。。一旦吃,我的香肠嘴就会出现咯,我的嘴巴已经够厚啦,没脸见人。。。
我大学生活就像戏那样有高潮有低潮的。。。。高潮是,我的门外有鬼。。。哇老。。c13-307…eeeeeeeeeeeeeee..每次两点凌晨,它就来敲门。。。我的室友跟我怕到要死。。。我的一个室友梦见那个女鬼说要把床搬进我们房里,还有她说我们房里的符害她流血,所以她不敢进来。。。你可以想像一下那个画面。。好恐怖。。我们忍了几个月,好坚强叻。。。到现在传到whole university….we are the main characters in the story….
Our life IN university really EXCITINg …omG…..THIS ALL happened…
Thursday, December 2, 2010
thaNX FOR my frienz who celebRATE my biRTHDAY
SuddenLY GOT feeling tO WRITE A blog to express mY FEelings aBOUT YESTERDAY..REAlly touchING le..first TIME c manY FRIENZ CELEBRATE together wiTH ME....A big ganG:weNDY,RACHEL ,pik LING ,jordan,ALvin,chui wei,IREne,chUNG CHiong and PAUline...LONG TIme NO C them actuaLLy..and we seldoM CHAT de....buT THEY still come TO Bithday PARTY...REALLY TouchING..BUT DUN knoe WHY my tears can'T DROPPED DE...the PRESENt giveN BY mummy and daddy IS A Slimming EXPENSIve..THEY knoe what MY DREAM ..U KNOE la..keep SLim constanTLY IS my dreaM....the SECOnd preseNT IS a BIRTHDAY card...inside THERE goT MANy blessiNGS..WHEN i c the blessiNGS:"hope u can fiND ur true LOVE"..omG..I REAlly want TO VOmit....omGgo....AND the final PRSEnt is a GLASS which GOt my name anD photo...WHOSE idea...tHIS REAlly amazING..MANy frienz saID this presENT IS so creaTive and even IS SImple BUt THE most amAZIng preseNT I REceived LO...the GREATEST ones...i HOPE i can BRIng my glass TO my uNIVERSity and USE it..hehe....
THAT is THE greatEST presenT I REceived LO
The first TIME gatheriNG WIth theM,oK,I now woULD like to say aBOUT THE FIRST image aBOUT them ONE by one...ERm,jordan IN MY FIRST impreSSIon..erM he looks COOl BUT AFter chat wiTH Him,he reaLLY A FUNNy,friendLy guy and PROFESional IN taKING MY photos. THEN alVIN,he is a VERY SILEnt GUY..maY BE dun KNOE US ba....BUT HE quite nauGHTY DE,decide TO Sing INDIAn birthday sONG TO me..soK DE....U TWO look grEAT yesterday....bez THE onlY GUY ma...pik LINg is A cute gaL AND quite friendLY DE...IREne is QUITE SHy gal..anD others NO NEED menTIONED la..bez i knoe THEM very well LO...thanx GUYS we reaLLY very HIGH YESTERDAY night..............I WANt to say THANX u agaiN...AND hope we wiLL BECUM A ganG ....bez I FALL IN Love wiTH u GUYS caREFul
TWO priNCE in MY bithday PArtY.....u TWo look greAT ANd handsOME oo!! @.@
MY bithday CARd...CUTe
the BLESSings:HOPE u can FIND ur TRUE love..omg
MY biTHDAY caKE...
HOPE afTER THIS,my luck wILL BE better ba...AND everyTHING WIll be GOING SMOOthlY...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
我们的关系像半生熟的荷包蛋,感情会更好吧。。。哈哈哈!!!hope OUR FRIENDSHIP WILL BE FOREVER.....
Monday, November 8, 2010
many first time i do in this sem ( my THIRD YEAR)
manY THings happening in 2010....july till nov...hahhahaa...
first time pass up assignment to wrong lecturer...,really funny!!!!
first time bring my sarawak frienz go kuantan gai gai,quite unbelievable they will come
first time eat roti canai and chat at midnight with my juniors....
first time spend my time at tc to celebrate mooncAKE FESTIVAL
first time face the people who i hate i try to forgive them to set myself from freedom and becum happier
first time become councelor of my juniors...
first time c ghost movie with my lovely seniors..quite romantic...scream high....
first time heard my juniors said i am quite friendly senior,so happy AH..
first time scold my members who never help anything for my project....
first time FIRST TIME i believe got jesus in this world who will create a miracle in my life
first time i send all sadness of my life to god..lets him decide my road ....
first time my family can have our own sweet need to rent a house lo
first time feel so happy bez can get bek earlier ,16 nov...
first time think that we have to appreciate our family and frienz who besides us..bez when i heard about news of accident at highway....made me feel that we can't predict what will happen next..
first time i become optimistic when i faced any difficulties..first time LO....
thanx JESUS,This year i had grow uP LO.....BE A BETTER GAL AND BETTER KELLY ONG
first time when i heard god's songs..i felt so touching and cried....
a miracle really happening....everything is my first time....unbelievable...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
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